strip_tags — Удаляет HTML и PHP-теги из строки .... //replace MS special characters first .... This is a very simple but effective function to remove html tags. ..... the stripping of tags including their content on basis of regular expression is very ...

html entities does not encode all unicode characters. It encodes what it can [all of latin1], .... Building the regex string to exclude all strings with xml special char

Regex Tester. javascript php python ... general escape character with several uses. ^, assert start of subject ... match any character except newline (by default).

To escape characters with special meaning, like: .-[]() and so on, use \Q and \E. For example:

I am having trouble coming up with a regular expression which would essentially black list certain special characters. I need to use this to validate data in input fields (in a Java Web app).

7 сен 2018 ... [#22034] - [plg_content_loadmodule] Prevent issues with regular expression characters ... positions and modules with titles containing special regular expression characters not being loaded. ... Update loadmodule.php.

I'm trying to replace url links (starting http:// ...) to html hyperlinks in a string with PHP, I use a regex for this, but the problem is there's conflicts with the html "&nbsp ;" characters.

Morning SO. I'm trying to determine whether or not a string contains a list of specific characters. I know i should be using preg_match for this...

The PHP Cookbook is a collection of problems, solutions, and practical examples for PHP programmers. The book contains a ... 4.22 Removing Duplicate Elements from an Array ... 13.8 Escaping Special Characters in a Regular Expression

You could perhaps use this regex: ^[^A-Z0-9№_,\/'"*().-]*\s*([A-Z0-9№_,\/'"*(). -]+). It matches any number of non-latin characters at the beginning of the string, ...

I'm pretty new to PHP, and I noticed there are many different ways of handling regular expressions. This is what I'm currently using: … I want to remove everything which isn't a-z, A-Z, or 0-9.

This function should not be used to make data SQL safe (although to prevent phishing ... Since PHP 5.4 for $string in htmlspecialchars($string) utf8 characters are .... if anybody want to turn html entities (and special characters) back to simple. ..... [In this version,] I found it easier to use a regular expression to check and see if ...

Регуля́рные выраже́ния (англ. regular expressions) — формальный язык поиска и осуществления манипуляций с подстроками в тексте, основанный на использовании метасимволов (символов-джокеров, англ. wildcard characters). ... используется во многих современных инструментах, таких как PHP и ...

specify '\\s' in the regex (which will be converted to the special character ... Here's a cheap and cheeky function to remove leading and trailing *punctuation* (or ...

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