
I have a value 'Dog' and an array ['Cat', 'Dog', 'Bird']. How do I check if it exists in the array without looping through it? Is there a simple way of checking if the value exists, nothing more?


I have a simple ruby question. I have an array of strings. I'd like to determine if that array contains a substring of any of the strings. As an example … Is this the best way to do it? Thanks.


12 май 2015 ... This compatibility table still uses the old format, because we haven't yet converted the data it contains. Find out how you can help! Настольные ...



Ruby on Rails руководства, учебники, статьи на русском языке. ... Значение String в :message может опционально содержать любые из ... Это можно сделать, используя опции :if и :unless , которые принимают символ, Proc или Array . Опцию .... _-+="] person.errors.full_messages # => ["Name cannot contain the ...


... считывает все строки файла в массив строк и затем закрывает файл. Opens a text file, reads all lines of the file into a string array, and then closes the file.


I have an array of strings: phrases = ["Have a good Thanksgiving", "Eat lots of food"] I have another array of single words: words = ["eat"...



This package contains the dynamic Ruby binding generator for libraries that support ... dep: ruby-indentation: Ruby extensions for Array and String classes.



16 окт 2014 ... null bool int float string array resource .... class StringHandler { public function length() { return strlen($this); } public function contains($str) { return .... (в мире веб разработки намного лучше чувствуют себя ruby, python, php, ...


_.contains([1, 2, 3], 3); => true .... Разобъёт массив array на две части: одна - для элементов которой ..... _.mixin({ capitalize: function(string) { return string. .... JavaScript коллекцией функций в манере, близкой к Enumerable в Ruby.


I have an array of strings a, and I want to check if another long string b contains any of the strings in the array … What different options do I have to accomplish this? For example this seems to work …


I am using the Tmail library, and for each attachment in an email, when I do attachment.content_type, sometimes I get not just the content type but also the name. Examples: …


1 Класс Array ...... FileUtils contains all or nearly all the same functionality and more, and is a recommended option over ftools When you ...... When specifying a Windows-style filename in a Ruby string, remember to escape the backslashes:.


Ruby wrapper for the Russian FIAS database (Федеральная Информационная ... Sometimes you need to extract a toponym and its type from a plain string: .... Each element of array contains two values: factor of equality and found object.


I want to check if any elements in this array words = ["foo", "bar", "spooky", "rick james"] are substrings of the phrase sentence = "something spooky this way comes".


Сравнивает два указанных объекта String и возвращает целое число, которое ...... Define an array of strings where each element contains a version of the ...


Rails, GraphQL Ruby и поле с типом JSON в таблице PostgreSQL. ... possible_types must contain GraphQL::ObjectType, not Array ([String]) .


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