Regex Tester. javascript php python ... general escape character with several uses. ^, assert start of subject ... match any character except newline (by default).

Morning SO. I'm trying to determine whether or not a string contains a list of specific characters. I know i should be using preg_match for this...

html entities does not encode all unicode characters. It encodes what it can [all of latin1], .... Building the regex string to exclude all strings with xml special char

specify '\\s' in the regex (which will be converted to the special character ... Here's a cheap and cheeky function to remove leading and trailing *punctuation* (or ...

I'm trying to replace url links (starting http:// ...) to html hyperlinks in a string with PHP, I use a regex for this, but the problem is there's conflicts with the html "&nbsp ;" characters.

Регуля́рные выраже́ния (англ. regular expressions) — формальный язык поиска и осуществления манипуляций с подстроками в тексте, основанный на использовании метасимволов (символов-джокеров, англ. wildcard characters). ... используется во многих современных инструментах, таких как PHP и ...

You could perhaps use this regex: ^[^A-Z0-9№_,\/'"*().-]*\s*([A-Z0-9№_,\/'"*(). -]+). It matches any number of non-latin characters at the beginning of the string, ...

I am having trouble coming up with a regular expression which would essentially black list certain special characters. I need to use this to validate data in input fields (in a Java Web app).

This function should not be used to make data SQL safe (although to prevent phishing ... Since PHP 5.4 for $string in htmlspecialchars($string) utf8 characters are .... if anybody want to turn html entities (and special characters) back to simple. ..... [In this version,] I found it easier to use a regular expression to check and see if ...

To escape characters with special meaning, like: .-[]() and so on, use \Q and \E. For example:

I'm pretty new to PHP, and I noticed there are many different ways of handling regular expressions. This is what I'm currently using: … I want to remove everything which isn't a-z, A-Z, or 0-9.

The PHP Cookbook is a collection of problems, solutions, and practical examples for PHP programmers. The book contains a ... 4.22 Removing Duplicate Elements from an Array ... 13.8 Escaping Special Characters in a Regular Expression

7 сен 2018 ... [#22034] - [plg_content_loadmodule] Prevent issues with regular expression characters ... positions and modules with titles containing special regular expression characters not being loaded. ... Update loadmodule.php.

strip_tags — Удаляет HTML и PHP-теги из строки .... //replace MS special characters first .... This is a very simple but effective function to remove html tags. ..... the stripping of tags including their content on basis of regular expression is very ...

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