
Ultimate guide to C++ programming language. Guide assumes that all readers have a general understanding of programming languages, and an understanding  ...


Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, general-purpose object-oriented programming language that combines syntax inspired by Perl with Smalltalk-like features. It was also influenced by Eiffel and Lisp. Ruby was first designed and developed in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto in Japan.


Dec 12, 2010 ... In the example, variable x lexically defined in the global scope — that ... Today static scope is used in many languages: C, Java, ECMAScript, Python, Ruby, Lua , etc. ..... This model is used e.g. in C programming language.




16 май 2012 ... Классом всех классов (как объектов) в Ruby является класс Class: .... class Object def metaclass class



6 ноя 2018 ... Завтра ищешь в интернете книжку The Ruby programming language. Похуй если ничего не поймешь. Затем идешь на rubyonrails.org и ...


3 мар 2015 ... Сергей Нартымов: Software Engineer в Transinet GmbH, г.Минск Ruby библиотека для работы с базами данных Sequel представляет ...


Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ... definition of the memory management mechanisms such as translation lookaside .... specifications in MMUSL (MMU Specification Language) and TTs in Ruby [12]. The.



Ruby (англ. ruby — рубин, произносится ['ru:bɪ] — ру́би) — динамический, рефлективный, ..... здесь создаётся переменная str, типа String # def - ключевое слово для объявления функции def str.bye # str. указывает, кому принадлежит ..... Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide, Second Edition.



Experienced in additional programming tools (source control systems including CVS, SVN, GIT; scripting in Ruby, Python, PHP, Perl, shell tools). Имею опыт ...


13 апр 2011 ... RubyDev Ruby Tutorial #5 > Методы и процедуры в Ruby. ... Объявление метода происходит при помощи выражения def после которого следует имя ..... Рекомендую прочитать Programming Ruby 1.9 (3rd edition): The Pragmatic ... [/language], где language может быть: ruby, javascript, css, html.


Ruby is a dynamic, interpreted, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. It was designed and developed in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto in Japan.


Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. It was designed and developed in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto in Japan. Ruby embodies syntax inspired by Perl with Smalltalk-like features and was also influenced by Eiffel and Lisp.


25 июня 2015 г. в Алматы состоится Конференция FMCG 2015, на которой компания Nielsen расскажет о последних тенденциях на рынке товаров ...


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