Напоенная австрийской народной мелодикой, пронизанная ритмами вальса, партитура богата лирическими страницами. Основная удача оперы — поэтически воссозданная ...


The Fortuneteller predicts a rich marriage for Arabella, beautiful elder daughter of the Waldners. When the older women retire, Zdenka listens to the ...


Arabella, Op. 79, is a lyric comedy, or opera, in three acts by Richard Strauss to a German libretto by Hugo von Hofmannsthal, their sixth and last operatic ...


The impoverished Count and Countess Waldner seek a rich suitor for their eldest daughter Arabella, and have disguised their younger daughter Zdenka as a boy to ...


Will their ruse spoil their daughters' chances of happiness in love? The answer comes down to a single glass of water in Arabella, a sumptuous romantic comedy ...


Summary. Count Waldner, an unrepentant gambler, has brought his family to ruin. His only hope is to find a wealthy husband for his daughter Arabella, while his ...


Mandryka tells of his young wife who died, of his lands, and the Slavonian custom of a girl pledging her engagement by presenting her future husband with a ...


Арабелла (опера) ... «Арабелла» (нем. Arabella) — опера Рихарда Штрауса соч. 79 в трёх актах, лирическая комедия. Последняя совместная работа композитора и автора ...


Tulle Gloves by Cornelia James, Glovemaker by Royal Appointment. Est 1946 ☆ Handmade in England ☆ Free Worldwide Delivery ☆ Tulle Gloves in Black, Ivory.


Countess Waldner, anxious about her husband's imminent bankruptcy, consults a fortuneteller. She pins all her hopes on a good marriage for her elder daughter, ...


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