Rails, GraphQL Ruby и поле с типом JSON в таблице PostgreSQL. ... possible_types must contain GraphQL::ObjectType, not Array ([String]) .


I have a value 'Dog' and an array ['Cat', 'Dog', 'Bird']. How do I check if it exists in the array without looping through it? Is there a simple way of checking if the value exists, nothing more?


This package contains the dynamic Ruby binding generator for libraries that support ... dep: ruby-indentation: Ruby extensions for Array and String classes.




16 окт 2014 ... null bool int float string array resource .... class StringHandler { public function length() { return strlen($this); } public function contains($str) { return .... (в мире веб разработки намного лучше чувствуют себя ruby, python, php, ...


I want to check if any elements in this array words = ["foo", "bar", "spooky", "rick james"] are substrings of the phrase sentence = "something spooky this way comes".



Ruby on Rails руководства, учебники, статьи на русском языке. ... Значение String в :message может опционально содержать любые из ... Это можно сделать, используя опции :if и :unless , которые принимают символ, Proc или Array . Опцию .... _-+="] person.errors.full_messages # => ["Name cannot contain the ...


Сравнивает два указанных объекта String и возвращает целое число, которое ...... Define an array of strings where each element contains a version of the ...


I have an array of strings: phrases = ["Have a good Thanksgiving", "Eat lots of food"] I have another array of single words: words = ["eat"...



1 Класс Array ...... FileUtils contains all or nearly all the same functionality and more, and is a recommended option over ftools When you ...... When specifying a Windows-style filename in a Ruby string, remember to escape the backslashes:.


12 май 2015 ... This compatibility table still uses the old format, because we haven't yet converted the data it contains. Find out how you can help! Настольные ...


I am using the Tmail library, and for each attachment in an email, when I do attachment.content_type, sometimes I get not just the content type but also the name. Examples: …


Ruby wrapper for the Russian FIAS database (Федеральная Информационная ... Sometimes you need to extract a toponym and its type from a plain string: .... Each element of array contains two values: factor of equality and found object.


_.contains([1, 2, 3], 3); => true .... Разобъёт массив array на две части: одна - для элементов которой ..... _.mixin({ capitalize: function(string) { return string. .... JavaScript коллекцией функций в манере, близкой к Enumerable в Ruby.


I have a simple ruby question. I have an array of strings. I'd like to determine if that array contains a substring of any of the strings. As an example … Is this the best way to do it? Thanks.


... считывает все строки файла в массив строк и затем закрывает файл. Opens a text file, reads all lines of the file into a string array, and then closes the file.


I have an array of strings a, and I want to check if another long string b contains any of the strings in the array … What different options do I have to accomplish this? For example this seems to work …


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